Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hotel California-Illuminati deaths

    When I looked up lyrics for Hotel California I came across websites that say that the rumors about this song being about Satanism were not true. I find that hard to believe. The more I look into this subject of Satanism/Illuminati in the entertainment industry, it's becoming obvious that that's exactly what this song is about. This thing is all about secrets. Secret societies, secret meetings, secret abuse. If you ask The Eagles if that's what the lyrics to that song were really about, you don't think they would actually come out and admit it do you? Please. What I'm noticing is in all of the music acts we see today, they are loaded with symbolism of their Illuminati/Satanic agendas, but then when confronted about it, they make up some fake story about what it was about, like Beyonce saying her Superbowl show was about The Black Panthers. Yeah right. 
   I shared in my last post a video where someone in the music business testified to how they purposely use witchcraft to cast spells on the music and their listeners, and the lyrics are written in witch language; including Hotel California. Here it is again if you missed it:

   So what are they talking about? "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.":That's the way Satan operates. He makes you sign an oath, a blood oath, a covenant, and then convinces you that you can never get out of that binding contract. Why do they sign it? To obtain fame and fortune. But is it true that you can never leave? Well, the thing Satan isn't telling them is that Jesus is the ultimate authority, and when he died on the cross, Jesus took the keys away from Satan to the gates of hell. When someone gets born-again, and accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, they are covered by the blood of Jesus and therefore have authority over Satan. Yeah, that's right. Jesus has power over Satan. Satan tries to make his followers believe he has more power, but he doesn't. The blood of Jesus is powerful, has power over Satan, and he knows it. That's why he hates it. When Christians start singing about the blood of Jesus, the devil runs for cover. 

    So Satan does not want this word to get out. In fact, that's why he hates Christians so much. The devil has his followers convinced that he is the victim, the good guy who was thrown out of heaven, and that God is the bad guy. It's totally twisted. Satan is the "Father of Lies" and everything he says is twisted, backwards and a lie. There is a way out, by turning to Jesus. If these poor people who are bound up by Satan would only learn this, and turn their lives over to Jesus, they would suddenly have power over him and can be set free. Many I believe a demon possessed and would thereafter need deliverance, but it can be done. The first step is surrendering their lives to Jesus.

   Unfortunately, there have been many celebrities that tried to get out the Illuminati on their own, to get out of the Satanic cult, to get out of their music contracts on their own, and they couldn't. Look at Kesha for instance. First of all, let's look at a video about her allegiance to Satan. 

Next, let's look at the story in the news where she tried to get away from her abusive manager, (probably her handler) and get out of her music contract. Unfortunately, somebody got to the judge because he ruled in favor of the music industry. What a surprise. 

   Kesha got off easy. Satan has no mercy. She's lucky she's not dead. Some celebrities tried to speak out and expose the Illuminati's hidden agendas, and soon thereafter mysteriously turned up dead. 
    Now we don't have any proof that they were killed of course, it's all covered up very well. Usually these people were cremated immediately so that no autopsies could be performed. Below I will post the list of the cases that are alleged to have been Illuminati "hits". Many are considered "Blood Sacrifices". I don't know if it's true, but it sure smells fishy to me. I would suggest you watch these videos, listen, hear what people have to say, and then come to your own conclusions. 

This video includes an interview with Randy Quaid talking about
 the "Star Wackers in Hollywood", who believes they killed Heath Ledger and others as well has more good information.

This is a great interview about the history and bloodlines and beliefs of the Illuminati bloodlines.This photo of Princess Diana is side by side with a picture of her in an Illuminati card game that seems to predict events and deaths before they happen. Hmmmmm. 
We'll talk about the cards in a future blog.

Prince knew. We haven't talked about their agenda yet or chemtrails, 
but we will in a later blog.

Marilyn was considered to be the original Beta Sex Slave, a victim of abuse and Monarch MK Ultra mind control. Here is a documentary discussing different theories.

Here is the speech about secret societies that conspiracy theorists believe got JFK killed because he was about the expose their secrets.

The crazy thing is that a lot of these events are predicted ahead of time in The Family Guy cartoons! Sounds cray cray right? Watch. They say the creator is a high ranking freemason with inside information. So why would he share their plans publicly in cartoons? To de-sensitize the public and make it all appear as a big joke. Well, it's not very funny. 

Family Guy Illuminati Predictive Programming

Another side to these deaths is the subject of human sacrifice as an initiation and right of passage to obtain a higher ranking in the satanic cult, in order to obtain more power, fame and fortune. Here is a video which mentions many names. 

I try to include as many videos of actors and musicians telling their own stories about what's really going on in the entertainment world, rather than just outsiders making speculations. Here is one of Dave Chappelle telling his story of why he suddenly gave up a $50 Million contract and fled to Africa.

I don't know about you but after watching some of these videos I can't help but think something fishy is going on, and it stinks. 

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