Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The DePopulation Agenda-Part 2 FEMA Camps

Before you read this blog, in order to comprehend what I'm talking about you need to back up and read about the New World Order and it's Depopulation agenda: Part 1. After you read that and watch the videos, then continue on with this blog. 

: P


    I shared in one of my first posts that God usually has me experience something first, and then I find out what it means later. Sometimes he will even have me watch a movie and speak to me through the movie. 

   A couple months ago we had a snow storm and I stayed home and watched a couple of movies I haven't seen in years. The first one was Schindler's List. I imagined myself on the train with those people on my way to a concentration camp and wondered how I would have handled the situation if I had lived back then. Then I felt the Holy Spirit impressing something on me as I watched and I couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to happen again.  Then as I began to look into the Illuminati stuff and kept digging and found out what their New World Order agenda really is, and who these people are, I was horrified to find out that I was right. This is exactly where we're headed.

    Another night my husband was watching the movie Predator. It's a typical Arnold Schwarzenegger macho movie where muscle head army dudes shoot an invisible alien predator.

 I wasn't really watching it and was playing on my phone when my husband said "Isn't it amazing that two of these guys became governors?" "Huh? Two?" I knew Arnold became Governor of California, but who else? He said Jesse Ventura.

 I had to google it right away. I couldn't believe what I found. Again God was using a movie to guide me and teach me. It turns out Jesse is a conspiracy theorist and did a TV show trying to expose the New World Order. When I looked up his show, the first one I saw was him exposing FEMA camps and coffins.

    Another way God has been speaking, teaching and revealing things to me about this has been through dreams. I keep a dream journal and many times I have absolutely no idea what they mean, until days, weeks or months later. Then I'll see something and I remember the dream, and I begin to put the pieces together. As I shared in one of my first blogs, I have had many recurring dreams of a coming tsunami.

 I have also had several dreams where I looked in the mirror and saw that my face was breaking out in something that looks like Chicken pox. 

   In another dream I was on a train looking out the window, and near the mountains I saw hundreds of brand new army trucks and barracks and camps being built. Here's a video where a man saw in real life what I saw in my dream. Google about FEMA camps and decide for yourself. 
     So I am wondering, if the government was looking for an excuse to send people off to FEMA camps, that are supposedly to "help" people in case of an emergency, how would they do it? It's supposed to be in case of a natural disaster, like a tsunami. Or what if there was an outbreak of disease? Or both? People would be in a panic and would easily jump aboard a bus or train to a FEMA camp to be "safe". 
    They say the camps are in case of a natural disaster. OK, well I personally believe that they can cause a natural disaster. They control satellites, and they could drop a bomb, both of which if they dropped in the ocean could create a tsunami. There is also something called CERN, which we'll discuss later, that can be causing tremors and earthquakes. I know this all sounds crazy, and 6 months ago I would not have believed any of it either. But keep looking into it and I think you'll start to see something is going on.

I heard a radio interview on Pastor Paul Begley's show The Coming Apocalypse where a woman called to say her son was hired to build train cars with shackles installed. They were not for cattle, they were for humans. And the trains all have tracks that lead straight to FEMA camps. Why would they possibly do this? It seems to all be being kept a big secret. Here is a video of the trains with shackles installed. 

    Here is a video I was shocked to find. I attended a conservative church for many years that turned out to be very controlling. They taught the people to be submissive to the Pastor and to authorities to the extreme. Over time I realize this thought process was very dangerous and can cause people to submit to abuse. I even began to realize that this was the thought process that allowed Hitler to come into power. 

I left that church and sent out a mass email to expose their theology as the teaching of "The Shepharding Movement" , a pyramid type of power structure teaching church members to submit to church authority, and in doing so I was labeled a traitor. I didn't care. I wasn't there to worship a man, I was there to learn about Jesus. As I watched this next video, I can really see her point about the church being the ones to buy into this. When Hitler rose to power, the Christians were the first ones to follow him. As the bible says, even "The Elect" will buy into the religion of the Anti-Christ. 

  I have also had several dreams of aliens coming. We'll talk more about that in a later blog. 

    Now of course you could blow this all off and say that I must watch too many Sci-Fi movies, but I don't. I have had these dreams over the past 10 years, but I have only known about these Illuminati conspiracy theories for the past 3 months. I didn't know what any of them meant until now as I have begun to put together all the pieces to the puzzle. And the amazing thing is, they all line up with everything that these people are saying. 
  In my second blog about dreams (scroll back) I talked about my tsunami dreams, and I included a video of a prophet from Puerto Rico who predicts a tsunami will hit the coast of Florida and I said to pay particular attention to the fact that he mentions FEMA camps and the coffins that they have put there to bury the bodies. This was my first exposure to this and one of the first pieces to the puzzle that I've been putting together over the past couple of months.


   As you watch these next videos, I think you'll begin to understand as I did, that these dreams I have been having are prophetic and God is trying to warn me of what is coming ahead. I figured it's probably not information that I'm supposed to just keep to myself, so that's why I share all the information here in my blog.
     There are many videos out there by people who are considered "Truthers", "Conspiracy Theorists", "Illuminati Busters" etc. If it was just one or two people saying these things then I wouldn't pay too much attention to it and write these people off as crazy. But what I've found is that they all consistently say the same things.

("Sheeple" is a term used to describe people who are 
dumb like sheep being led off like a herd to the slaughter.)

      So what's the deal? Why would they be setting up these FEMA camps with shackled trains and army trucks ready to head people off to these camps? If they were there to hold people during a storm, why would they need shackles? Why so many army trucks? Are they planning to declare Marshall Law? Why? What is going on? What is their agenda?

      Here is a video that I shared in my earlier blog about the New World Order. If you skipped it, then here it is again.  In the beginning it moves a little slowly talking about money and banking, but be patient and skip ahead a bit if you need to but try to watch the whole thing. Again, if it was just this one guy saying these things I wouldn't give this video much merit. I'm not basing my beliefs on this video. There are many, many people saying all of the same things. I chose this video because he has compiled everything together to put it all into a nutshell.

     Talk about being narcissists! There is even more. They want to create a master race, a supernatural race that will be immortal. Yep. I'm not kidding. But I'll save that part for the next blog. For now let's stick to the subjects covered in the video.


The 10 Commandments of the New World Order: Pay attention to #1......

So they want to kill people off because there are too many of us using up resources.
The NSA has been collecting everyone's emails, texts, voicemail messages, google searches, facebook posts and phone calls. It's obvious when you go onto facebook and ads pop up for the latest purchases and google searches you have made.
It's like they know you. Here is a really scary part of the video:

They are classifying you into three categories:
1. You know of the New World Order. Punishment? FEMA camps for re-education
2. You know of the NWO, are warning people and preparing to fight back. Punishment?...Death
3. You are clueless: You and your family live as a slave to accumulated debt.

Especially scary is at 1:18 the police official who explains red dots appearing on mailboxes:

Red dot=shot immediately
Blue dot=taken to FEMA camps for 50 million Americans
Pink dot= You'll be a good slave serving the Anti-Christ

Bullets, disarmament, morgues, FEMA camps and laws to legally kill and detain people without trial are already in place. It's all planned as part of the coming economic collapse.
Up next? Suspension of the constitution due to martial law.  

And what could cause martial law to go into effect? Is it possible that they are planning to cause a natural disaster? Sounds ridiculous right. But if you owned billions of dollars, satellites, and nuclear weapons, you could probably figure out a way. 

"All we need is the right world crisis, and the world will accept the New World Order" David Rockefeller. 

I have even heard of people talking about guillotines. I'm not kidding. It seems far fetched, unless you read the bible. When I saw the photo of one I remembered the opening scene in the 1972 rapture movie 'A Thief In the Nignt" of a woman about to be beheaded because she refused to receive the mark of the beast. This scene is a reference to the scripture in Revelation 20:4

The number one group seen as a threat will be, believe it or not, Evangelical Christians. Why? Because they are the number one threat to Satan and the only ones who have authority over him. 

Recently I went on a business trip to Charleston, SC The night before I arrived I had a dream of an old, black steam engine sitting on the train tracks no longer in use. Then another train came by with a yellow school bus for an engine and pushed it away. When we drove into Charleston we drove past a shipping yard where I spotted an old, black steam engine sitting alone on the tracks, no longer in use. And then I saw, not a school bus, but tons of yellow train cars. They looked exactly like the yellow FEMA trains I have seen in these videos. Because of the prophetic dream, this scene obviously caught my attention. My interpretation of the school bus as a train was God saying "I'm 'schooling' you, teaching you, so pay attention" So I googled the train yard in SC and found another blog about the subject.

     So what's the answer? What do we do?  First of all, we need to be aware of what's going on and begin to recognize the signs as we watch the news and make financial decisions. Next we need to get the Illuminati reign out of the White House. The Bush's, Clintons and Obamas are all in the "clique" and have been working toward the New World Order agenNda right under our noses. We need to get them out and get someone else into the White House that won't play their games. We will talk about this in future blogs.
    Finally, I don't want anyone to become depressed after reading this, so  let's turn this thing around and end this blog on a positive note and spend some time with the true Master of the Universe, The Ilumminati are not gods. Satan is not God. Jesus Christ alone is God, and has all authority over Satan. Let's declare it!

                                               You Alone are God-Hillsong

Secret Societies-Bilderbergers, Bohemians, Skull and Bones

    If you have been following this blog from the beginning, by now you should understand who the Illuminati are, and know what the New World Order is and their agenda. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about then you need to get up to speed and scroll back and read the previous blogs and watch the videos.) So now let's talk about how they choose who will be appointed into positions of power, and how they have decided who will become the next president of the United States long before they are ever elected. Basically, if you think you live in a democracy, you don't. You live in the Matrix. Come along Neo.....


    If you're like most people in the US, you probably have never heard of these groups before. Alex Jones and Mark Dice are two of the guys that seem to have made it their life's mission to expose the Illuminati, New World Order, Bohemian Grove and the Bilderberg Group. 
 Mark Dice wrote books on these subjects, and has a YouTube channel that became popular during the election. He is pretty sarcastic, but I find him funny and learned a lot from watching him. He likes to interview people on the street to show how ignorant they are of these subjects. Here is one of them.

                    Mark Dice at the White House asking tourists about Bilderberg Group

     Here Alex Jones interviews Mark Dice about his book about the Bilderberg Group.

                                      Mark Dice-Bilderber's dirty little secret is out

So who are they? They are a group of people in high level positions of power who meet at a hotel once a year to make major decisions about what happens in our world. It is all kept very hush hush. Watch this. 

                                             The Bilderberg Group Documentary

                                       Here's another documentary on the subject.

                                     The Illuminati Bilderberg Group Documentary

Here's a clip of a radio interview with someone who didn't want to know about this at first, but changed their tune. "The very people that put Obama in power are there again..You wonder who did this? You don't have to look any further than Henry Kissinger and the rest of the Bilderbergs."

                 Michael Savage now admits that the Bilderberg Group is in control.


Another big "secret" is the Bohemian Grove, a place where once again, people in high level positions of power meet, and "what happens at the Grove, stays in the Grove". People have snuck in and filmed them performing secret rituals. 

Here is a documentary that Alex Jones did that explains Bohemian Grove.

                                         Bohemian Grove-Alex Jones Documentary

          Here Mark Dice explains it as a "Club Med with a bit of Satanism mixed in." 

                                 What you don't know about the Bohemian Grove

In my previous blog about Pedophiles, it included David Icke explaining how Pedophilia is part of the Satanism of the Illuminati, and how they believe it brings them power. Here David Icke expands on the ceremony and talks about how many Presidents and politicians were all originally part of the Skull and Bones Society when they were students at Yale, and later became members of the Bohemian Club. 

                          David Icke exposes Bohemian Grove sacrifices to Satan

Here is an article written by a kid who had a summer job working at the Bohemian Grove. 
"My friends and I were aware of the Grove’s lingering mystique. We knew that powerful conservative figures like Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were known to make appearances (though not all of us could recognize them). We’d heard of the Cremation of Care ceremony that kicks off each encampment, where members are decked out in cult-like robes and an effigy is burned on the property’s lake."

                                 My Summer Job at the Bohemian Grove

Here is an interview with a Satanic Priest who worked at Bohemian Grove. At 31:09 he says
"There is open magic spell work that happens at the owl, and then there's also private magic spell work that happens behind closed doors." 
 "Do people who attend Bohemian Grove really understand what's going on? There's an illusion that some, President let's say, doesn't really know what it is, it's just a camping event with a bunch of rich people. But do they really know that this is spiritual and it's Satanic?"...decide for yourself.

                    Satanic Priest for Bohemian Grove Blows Whistle on White House


Now that David Icke has mentioned the Skull and Bones Society in the earlier video, it opens up another can of worms that needs to be included. What is Skull and Bones ? Who are they?

                                     America Illuminati Revealed: Skull and Bones

                                  The Bizarre Rituals of the Skull and Bones Society

Here is a video that lists members of the "Skull and Bones Society". 

                                          Illuminati: Top Skull and Bones Members


     The election of 2017 was loaded with drama and most of us are sick of hearing about it, so I don't want to say much. But it was literally a battle of good versus evil, God against Satan. Even now that Donald Trump won, Satan is still keeping up the fight. I DO NOT believe Donald Trump is Illuminati. He doesn't need to be. He is a self made Billionaire with plenty of money and power of his own and he doesn't need them. I am a Christian, and when I saw Ben Carson I remembered seeing him on the 700 Club about 20 years ago, and knew that he, and other candidates were Christians. A year ago I would have been their supporters. But knowing what I know now, I was a full-on Donald Trump supporter. Why? Because I knew the Illuminati hates him. because they can't control him and they are afraid of him. He is not pushing their agenda. The liberal media however IS pushing their agenda! This is not surprising knowing that the Illuminati own the television and news channels! They control what the media reports and spin the stories in their favor in hopes to steer the weak minds of the sheep in order to accomplish their goal of ushering in the New World Order. 
     I believe Donald Trump was chosen by God because he is the only man tough enough, powerful enough and courageous enough to stand up the "them". So what does this mean as far as the End-Times? We can see the New World Order was picking up a lot of momentum and God was allowing it. But now he held his hand out and halted them. Why? I believe the way we will "make America great again" is by a return to Jesus and for an end-time revival like we've never seen before. My hope and prayer is that is what's going to happen.

Here is a prophecy by Prophet Kim Clement given in 2007 about "Trump will be a trumpet! " when George Bush was president. This is so good! (note: Kim Clement passed away in December 2016)
"Surely the Lord does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7

                             Kim Clement prophecying about Donald Trump 2007

  I was especially happy to see that Donald surrounded himself with prophetic ministers of the Gospel and I heard that he gave his heart to the Lord. Thank you Jesus! I like to end my blogs on a positive note that gives all glory to God, so here are a few videos of hid being prayed for and prophesied over. Hallelujah!

James Dobson said "I know the person who led him to Christ. He is a baby Christian."

                                                Trump has accepted Jesus Christ

                                           Praying for Trump at a Black Church

                   Trump being prayed over at the International Church of Las Vegas

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The New World Order's Depopulation Agenda-Part 1 Autism, Infertility, Chemtrails


    When I was in high school in the early 1980's I went to youth group at an Assembly of God church and one night they showed us a movie about the rapture. In the beginning of the movie many Christians suddenly disappeared "in the twinkling of an eye".
 "The Anti-Christ" (AKA "The Beast" who is the world leader) rose to power, and put into affect a new one world government and a one world money system. They did away with all cash, and everyone was forced to take a mark on their hand or forehead in order to buy or sell. Some of the people who were left behind were people who had family members that were Christians that were now gone. 

Because they did not believe in Jesus's salvation or what the bible had to say at the time, they were not taken up in the rapture. Now that they were left behind, they realized they were wrong after all and everything their missing family members had told them was true. So, they now knew not to accept the mark of the beast, the 666 on their hand or forehead, or else they would spend eternity in hell with the Anti-Christ.

   As the movie continued we watched these people left behind try to run away and escape from the government, but most of them were found. They were rounded up and brought to a church and one by one they were called up front and forced to make a decision to either accept the mark or be killed. They were called up one at a time and some took the mark, but those who refused were brought out back and shot. Suddenly, they called out someone with the same name as my last name, and I nearly fell off my chair! Everyone in the room laughed.

 I wish I knew the name of the movie so I could watch it again today. I have tried to find it but I can't. It's similar to "Left Behind" or "A Thief In The Night". Unfortunately I just can't remember the title. But it did have an impact on me.


 About that same time I had to read the book "1984" by George Orwell in English class, a story about "Big Brother" and how the government watched everyone, heard every conversation and kept tabs on everything everyone did. It sounded a whole lot like the Anti Christ to me.

    In 1980 there were no cell phones or internet. We used pay phones and paid cash. We occasionally used credit cards, but it was nothing like today. Over the years I have always kept this End Time scenario in mind and now when I take a trip I wonder, if Big Brother were in charge and I didn't want to take the mark of the Beast and wanted to run away, how far would I get? Not very far at all. I drive through an EZ Pass, I have a GPS in my car and a cell phone that can all be tracked. Heck, now my cell phone even anticipates where it thinks I'm going. When I get in my driveway (not even in my car, as soon as I go out my door) it assumes I'm going to my job and lets me know how many minutes it will take me to get to work. When I do get to work, I put my fingerprint into a machine that clocks me in and I'll even joke that "Big Brother is watching".

GPS TRACKING DEVICES    In that '80's movie the government tracked down anyone who did not receive the mark of the Beast, did not support the new world government or their agenda. Do you remember the movie Minority Report with Tom Cruise? I'll never forget the mall scene where they read his eyeballs and the ads called him out by name at The Gap. I felt this movie was so prophetic. 

   Now in 2016 we use debit cards more than cash and we do our banking and pay bills with our cell phones and it's getting pretty much to the point that our every move is monitored. The government can read our emails, listen to our cell phone conversations, check our Facebook pages and read our tweets. As soon as we post a photo the face recognition knows who we are. We are getting closer and closer to the times predicted in the bible.

    We have a family member who has a son with severe Autism. Many times he has run away and his parents have had to call the police to go find him. It's terrifying because the boy is non-verbal and will not respond if you call his name. He also has no fear of danger, and doesn't understand that he could get hit by a car or drown in a lake. So now there is a new device, the size of a grain of rice that can be implanted in the child that can track them like a GPS. Honestly, I saw this coming years ago when they implanted dogs with this device. I knew it was only a matter of time that the government would want to implant trackers into people, and what better way to convince society this was a good thing than to use fearful parents afraid of losing their children? Or their loved one with Alzheimers? 

    After that, the next step will be that we will have a chip inserted in our hands with all our financial information inserted in the name of convenience and then we won't need our debit cards anymore. If the "Elite" really want to create a New World Order and one world banking system, and keep tabs on everyone like Big Brother, this chip will make it be so easy. But why would they want to do that?


     When George W. Bush was president I was shocked to hear him mention that he wanted to bring about a "New World Order". I knew right away if this ever happened, we would have a one world government and a one world money system, exactly what the bible was talking about. Here is a website that will explain to you who they are. 

                                               End Times website, NWO page

And here's a great video that explains it all, who they are, what they are and what they want. The Illuminati are trying to take over the world and create the New World Order and obtain total world domination. Sounds like a Superman movie right? Watch.

                                     Documentary: The Illuminati/NWO for dummies


   As you watch these next videos, I think you'll begin to understand as I did, that these dreams I have been having are prophetic and God is trying to warn me of what is coming ahead. I figured it's probably not information that I'm supposed to just keep to myself, so that's why I share all the information here in my blog.
     There are many videos out there by people who are considered "Truthers", "Conspiracy Theorists", "Illuminati Busters" etc. If it was just one or two people saying these things then I wouldn't pay too much attention to it and write these people off as crazy. But what I've found is that they all consistently say the same things.

      Here is one video that seems to lay it out well and taught me a lot. In the beginning it moves a little slowly talking about money and banking, but be patient and skip ahead a bit if you need to but try to watch the whole thing. Again, if it was just this one guy saying these things I wouldn't give this video much merit. I'm not basing my beliefs on this video. There are many, many people saying all of the same things. I chose this video because he has compiled everything together to put it all into a nutshell.

     Here is the breakdown of the video: The first part is about the Federal reserve, money, and how rich the Rothschilds are, who are worth not millions, not billions, but 500 trillion!!! The 1% elite of the world own the banks, major corporations, fund wars, make major political decisions and are believed to be the true Illuminati. They are members of Skull and Bones Society (which we'll talk about in another blog).

                Their ultimate goals are:
A One World Government- New World Order
A One World Money System- Create a financial collapse, No more cash, insert chips,
Population Control- Maintain 500,000,000 and kill millions of people
Total Control-Track people, watch their money, control their lives

     Talk about being narcissists! There is even more. They want to create a master race, a supernatural race that will be immortal. Yep. I'm not kidding. But I'll save that part for the next blog. For now let's stick to the subjects covered in the video.

"All we need is the right world crisis, and the world will accept the New World Order" David Rockefeller. 


    Now this part hits home with me. I mentioned the family member with Autism. He was born in 1989 when 5 out of 10,000 kids were diagnosed with Autism. Basically it was very rare. Since he was diagnosed, Autism has become an epidemic and now 1 in 45 kids is diagnosed. Up until today I have never bought into the notion that vaccines cause Autism and honestly was pretty angry with Jenny McCarthy for convincing people to stop vaccinating their kids because there is now a potential to start spreading disease. This video said that in 1989 that's when they began raising the mercury levels and that's when you began to see the numbers rise. That date suddenly jumped at out me and I realized these are not coincidences.

  Another thing that jumps out to me is infertility and population control. A close family member is struggling with infertility, we have a cousin that has children with diabetes, and I know countless people who have children with ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism, food allergies and diabetes. Something is going on. Something is very, very wrong.

    At 1:33 They talk about the chemical dumbing down of society. Many, many people are saying the same things. They are using Mercury Thimerasol in vaccines (causing Autism), Flouride (Used by the Nazis to create a more docile humanity) and GMO foods (Genetically Modified Organisms causing infertility which helps depopulate the earth.) Whenever people have asked me if I believe vaccines cause Autism my answer has always been "No, I think it's bigger than that. I think it has to do with plastics, chemicals and all the things we have been ingesting since the 1960's that is altering our bodies. I think the vaccine is just the tip of the iceberg." Now I'm learning that I was right. It's much bigger than that.

   One thing that this video failed to mention is the other method allegedly being used to poison us over time. Chemtrails.

Now you will understand this interview with Prince, which shows that he also knew what was going on.

Prince referred to "listening to Dick Gregory riffing about chemtrails."
 This next video includes both.


   Now I don't want you to think I'm some Sci-Fi movie junky who dresses up like Princess Leiah at Comic-Con conventions and lives in a fantasy world. But another movie I watched recently was "The Fifth Wave" and I really found it interesting. An alien invasion changes the world as we know it and people run away just like they were escaping the Anti-Christ in the rapture movie. First all power was shut down, followed by an earthquake and tsunami, an outbreak of disease, and then the army ships people off to FEMA type camps, all in the name of a worldwide takeover by the aliens who look like humans. I have to wonder if the person who wrote this movie was also a conspiracy theorist, or if they're playing into the NWO trying to subliminally get teenagers to trust the hot guy who is half human/half alien. 
    Normally I would have written this movie off as a teen romance flick, but I was struck by the scene of the children on the school bus being taken away to a camp by the army thinking they were being taken off to safety. Now that I'm learning what these people in Hollywood really believe, that many are caught up in this Satanic Illuminati religion, I can't help but wonder if movies like this are done as an covert message to the public just like the Superbowl.

This movie is really a perfect seque into my next blogs. The notion of humans becoming inhabited by aliens and wanting world domination sounds like the stuff that only exists in the movies right? Can you believe that there are people out there that really believe they can actually achieve a master race that is half human, half supernatural? Oh yes. Stay tuned. 
   For part 2 of this blog, next read the one about FEMA CAMPS. 

    As you read alll of these blogs and watch these videos remember to stay focused. FEAR NOT. Jesus has all authority over Satan. The Devil has been trying to take over the world since the beginning of time, but his time is limited here on earth. His destiny is the fiery pit and he knows he will lose, He is trying to take as many people down with him as he can but don't let him win. Listen to this album and let it bring you strength. Worship will build up your spirit and recharge you. Shalom! 

                                               You make me Brave- Bethel Music