Saturday, May 7, 2016

Who are "The Illuminati"?

Who is the Illuminati?

    Years ago my husband was asked to join The Elks Club. He thought they were a good organization that helps raise money for handicapped children...until he was asked to attend a secret initiation ceremony that gave him the creeps and he never returned. Secret societies keep things a secret. Some even threaten to kill you if you ever reveal their secrets. The Devil does things in secret. He appears as an angel of light, seduces people, promises them love and loyalty and convinces them to become part of his "family" and his secret societies. But the truth is he is all darkness, deception, hatred and pure evil

Fascinating video of a woman who talks about people in politics, the military and their methods and agendas.

    So who are the Illuminati? As I mentioned in an earlier blog, my kids told me Beyonce and Jay Z are in the Illuminati, but as I've said in my earlier blogs, that's not really the truth. These celebrities believe in the Illuminati religion, but they are not the true Illuminati. So who are they? 

    The best way to describe it is, it's a secret society that has been around for hundreds of years.It is an elite group of very wealthy white men who own not millions, not billions, but TRILLIONS of dollars. They own banks, own the biggest corporations in the world, control governments, cause wars and inflation, and want to bring about world domination and control. They want to abolish government, patriotism, religion and families and usher in a one world money system and dominate through the New World Order. But it doesn't stop there. The Illuminati is also a religion incorporating Free Masonry at the highest level and the worship of Satan. It sounds like an action movie or a novel doesn't it? No, it's reality. Your reality, but you don't know it. But I'm trying to make you wake up to reality. Read the article below, then watch the videos for better explanations.

 Illuminati structure and beliefs

  They use a pyramid as one of their main symbols, referring to Egyptian pyramids and deities as part of their theology. In modern day terms, it really is kind of  a pyramid scheme with the extremely wealthy elite at the top, and the regular every day folk like you and me at the very bottom. To them we are mindless fools, easy to control and manipulate, and very expendable. To them we are not people, but rather the "sheeple". I will talk about their religious views and their agenda in a later blog. For now, let's just talk about who "they" are.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers, New World Order.

    Where did this come from and how did it begin? Well, let's watch a couple of videos that talk about the history of The Illuminati. This documentary calls them "The string pullers", which is probably why TV and music performers are called "puppets". The host says that over 200 years ago "A secret society was formed whose objective simply spelled "World Domination". It's strategy? To abolish all religions and governments in order to take control of humanity under a unified state. With no countries, no borders, and under the command of a single leader. It's name? The Illuminati of Bavaria.

                                               Origins of the Illuminati-Where it all began.

If that video's too long, here is a shorter, funnier version.

    Did you notice they mention Freemasons? What do you know about them? It's just a lodge, a place for men to go watch football games, drink beer and bond, right? Um, no.

From Hell Movie link

   In February we had a snow storm and since I was snowed in I decided to rent a movie on Fios. I came across a movie called "From Hell" starring Johnny Depp. Now, as a Christian, I would naturally not want to watch a movie with this title. But when I read the description, it was the true story of Jack the Ripper. I like history and biographies, so I decided to watch it. And to be honest, Johnny Depp is pretty easy on the eyes, so that didn't hurt. ;)
   It turns out that Jack the Ripper was a physician who was a Free Mason, and every murder he committed was actually a ritual sacrifice. In retrospect I believe that God was directing my steps and wanted me to watch that movie to teach me something. I had no idea that I was about to embark on a journey so deep as this and that I needed to become aware of Freemasons, who they are, and what they believe. I still don't understand it all, but I'm sharing what I've learned so far!

 Illuminati structure and beliefs

     When I originally began posting on Facebook about all the information I was uncovering about the Illuminati and Freemasonry, I received a comment from an offended, yet well meaning relative, that Free Masons run hospitals for sick children with cancer, that they are "good people", and I must be delusional. How dare I accuse them of being involved with evil! Well, my answer to her was "If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...." 
    From what I can tell, members seem to join the secret society starting out with good intentions, not knowing what really goes on until they make their way further up the pyramid. Then as they get sucked in further, they find out there is pure evil at the top. Some leave, some stay. Everything is a secret. You need to work your way up the pyramid to find out what is really going on. Read the article above to find out what goes on when you reach the higher ranks of 33rd Degree Freemasonry.

                                  Here are a couple of links describing Free Masons.

 Who are the Freemasons? What are their ranks? Wiki link.

Who are the Freemasons? Their Ranks.
Freemasonry Wikipedia Link

 Article on Freemasons worshiping Satan

Article on Freemasons worshiping Satan:
Article on Freemasonry

Don't believe me? Maybe you should it straight from the horse's mouth. Or, should I say from one of the ducks. Quack, quack. 

William Schnoebelen's story: (At 24:30 min. explains Freemasonry)

Here is a story of a man who made it up to the highest ranks of Freemasonry, and then quit.

That's enough for today. This is the top of the pyramid. In the next blog, we will discuss famous people and entertainers who are lower members in the pyramid. Then after that we will get to the agenda and what they are trying to do, how they plan to take over the world. Yep. That's what I said. Plan to take over the world. Cray Cray right? Stay tuned.

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