Friday, June 3, 2016

Nephilim-Sex with Satan to create Super-humans.

   In order to understand the Illuminati's agenda and beliefs, and why they do what they do, then you need to understand their Satanic view of the bible. Oh yes, they believe the bible! But they have their own unique spin on it. In order to understand your enemy, then you need to know their motivation and belief system. In this blog we will discuss what the bible calls the "Nephilim". Why? Because the Illuminati want to create a master race of Nephilim. What are they you ask? Read on Grasshopper, read on.   

   About two years ago I went to lunch and a movie with a close Christian friend of mine. We used to lead worship together at my old church. We are not usually the movie going type, but the movie "Noah" starring Russell Crowe was out, and we figured we would go see a bible based movie. 

At lunch my friend warned me she had read that the movie had some scenes about the Nephilim that was based on Kabbalah teaching, which I had heard (from my Jewish doctor) was pretty much a form of Jewish mysticism. But how bad could it be? We went to see it anyway. 

Well, it turned out to be ridiculous. The Nephilim, who were supposed to be giants, in the movie turned out to be rocks that grew into creatures that resembled Transformers, and we felt like we were watching a video game more than a movie. Some people walked out of the film We looked at each other and laughed and stuck it out. (Notice they call them "The Watchers") I am now convinced that movie was probably another tool used to forward the Illuminati agenda.

    I have been a Christian for a long time and absolutely believe the bible is the word of God. I believe there is power in speaking the word of God, and have spent years reading and studying it. But I like to ask questions, because it helps me learn. I ask like a child asking their Daddy "Wait a minute, what does that mean? What is that? I don't get it! Why did you say that? How come you did that? How did that happen?" For instance, I want to know, if Adam and Eve were the first people created on the earth, then where did Cain's wife come from? Was she his sister? Genesis talks about how after they were all kicked out of the Garden of Eden, he wandered on the earth and no one in the other towns were allowed to harm him. Who were these people? Where did they come from? I have asked a couple Pastors but I still don't have an answer to that question. I don't think they really know. I don't think any of us have all the answers, and honestly I don't think God minds that we ask. I think he leaves some "holes" that need to be filled hoping that we will catch on and ask questions. Someday when I get to heaven I will have some questions to ask when I get there. It's like my Bucket List. It's my "When I get to heaven..." list. 

   In this blog we are going to focus on Nephilim. The  book of Genesis mentions them and talks about angelic beings marrying and sleeping with the women on earth. This is in the bible  but not a subject that is talked about in church, so I'm sure most Christians don't know anything about the subject. As I have been researching the Illuminati, I have been watching videos by numerous Christians who like to talk about the subject and I am learning a lot from them. You can also learn a lot about spiritual things from Satan, because, let's face it, he's been around a lot longer than we have, and he has access to a spiritual realm that we can't see. In times of deliverance, sometimes the demons will give you clues letting you know who they are and how they got there. Granted, he is the "Father of Lies" and you can't trust anything that he says, but if we watch and observe what he is trying to do to gain that power and control, then we need to pay attention. Why? We need to know our adversary in order to defeat him.

    One thing I have heard some Illuminati-Busting Theorists say that seems to make a whole lot of sense to me, yet I have never heard it taught in church. I don't think the church knows about this, or wants to know for that matter. There is a school of thought out there that believes that Eve did not actually eat an apple, but Eve had sex with Satan. Now, think about it. It makes a lot of sense. After hearing this theory, here are some puzzle pieces I started to put together:

   1) We say today that when we are "tempted to eat the forbidden fruit", we're usually talking about being tempted sexually. It seems society has put two and two together, but the church hasn't. Maybe that is exactly what the bible meant.

    2)  I told you in an earlier blog about the book "He Came To Set The Captives Free" where the woman was a bride of Satan, he appeared to her as an angel of light, and she had sex with Lucifer on their wedding night. He appeared as a very beautiful first. Read a few books on deliverance and you'll read of many stories about demons and sex.

   3) I don't think Lucifer appeared as a snake. He may have been some upright serpent, or looked like a man, or a combination of both man and serpant. Who knows? How do we know what Satan looked like when he was in the garden talking to Eve? First of all, he TALKED to her. Snakes can't talk. Second of all, after God cursed the serpent he said he would crawl on his belly. So he had been standing upright. Whatever he said and did, she fell for it. He seduced her, and it worked. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I don't think I would have been tempted if he looked like a snake. Most women run at the sight. But then again, many times snakes are used as a symbol of seduction, like a snake in a basket used by a snake charmer. I just know if it were going to work on me, he would need to look like Jon Bon Jovi to get me to cave in. If he looked like a snake, I'd run away, fast. But then again, Eve was the first woman and maybe she didn't know she should fear a snake yet. Or then again, maybe that's why women to this day fear snakes, because now it's part of our makeup as descendants of Eve. Who knows?

                  (If this photo offends you, then you will not be able to handle the rest of this blog!)

   3) When God cursed Eve, he said she and all women would have pain in childbirth forever. That's a pretty severe punishment for eating an apple, don't you think? But if she had sex with Lucifer and now was bearing his spawn, then the punishment fits the crime. When God cursed Lucifer, the serpent, he said from now one he will crawl on his belly. From now on he is represented as a serpent. Yep. Once again I make my point. He was standing up when he sweet talked Eve.

    4) Cain killed his brother Abel. How did sin enter the human race so quickly? Again, it makes sense to me if his father was Lucifer. It also makes sense that that's why their bodies began to become old and people who were intended to liver forever now had bodies that would decay and die.

   5) I noticed in Leviticus 19-20 there is a whole list of "don'ts" like, "don't practice divination and sorcery", and the "don't have sex with" list like your mother, neighbor's wife, sister-in-law, men with men, animals etc. But in the middle of all of those it says:
 23 “‘When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, regard its fruit as forbidden.For three years you are to consider it forbidden; it must not be eaten. 24 In the fourth year all its fruit will be holy, an offering of praise to the Lord. 25 But in the fifth year you may eat its fruit. In this way your harvest will be increased. I am the Lord your God.
    I don't know if this means anything or not, but after finding out it's possible that Cain was actually conceived by Eve fornicating with Lucifer, this verse jumped out at me, and I have to wonder if the fruit being considered "forbidden" may be referring to more than one thing. Just thoughts.

  The link above is a video by Jonathan Kleck. He is an interesting dude. He finds hidden meanings in many things and has many theories. He folds dollar bills and sees the twin towers being destroyed, and a tsunami hitting New York City. He repeats himself a lot in his videos, but he says fascinating things. Here is a video where he discusses this theory of what happened in the Garden of Eden. Do I agree with everything he says? No. But he does mention an older translation that says "Eve desired the angel" Angel? What angel? As in the Angel of Light, fallen from heaven, Lucifer? 

This idea of humans having sex with angels and demons is not far fetched. 
Here it is in the bible in Genesis chapter 6:

1When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend witha humans forever, for they are mortalb ; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
4The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
5The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 8But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
This chapter is the beginning of the chapter about Noah. I don't know about you, but this is a paragraph I usually skipped over just to get to the story of the ark, the animals and the flood. No pastor that I have ever heard in a church ever preaches about the Nephilim. I mean, let's face it, the church doesn't like to talk about sex, especially not about sex with angelic beings! So who were these Nephilim? It says they were "heroes of old". They were the giants, you know, like Goliath. 

Now, let's ask more questions. What was going on back then that was so bad that God had to flood the entire earth? I mean, people are pretty bad now, but he's not hitting the "re-start" button like he did back then. What made humans so awful that he killed them all off? Well the theory here is that the reason God destroyed the earth was because the population was now defiled by co-mingling with the angelic beings. But it seems it was making them evil. But Noah was not of the mixed race, he was purely human. That's why he was spared. Again, I don't know about you but this makes so much sense to me. It answers more question on my "when I get to heaven list". The link above popped up on my Facebook newsfeed and is for a Hebrew course, interestingly about the Nephilim:

Who were the sons of God?

The Hebrew words for “sons of God” is B’ney HaElohim (בני האלוהים). “Sons of God” is the Biblical name for angels. “Sons of God” were a group of angels who participated in a rebellion against the Lord, and who came to Earth and took human women as wives to have illicit relations. The offspring from this ungodly union between angels and human women were Nephilim – giants, ‘men’ of superhuman ability and strength.
What does Nephilim mean?The fact that Nephilim were giants, is in itself a proof that their parentage was superhuman. But these giants were also evil. How do we know that? It is precisely at this point that the Hebrew will help us. The word Nephilim comes from the word נפל, fall; the suffix ‘im’ simply adds plurality, hence they were the “fallen ones”. Having been born of corrupted, fallen, Satanic angels, Nephilim dominated the Earth and filled it with violence. The story that you didn’t knowThe Nephilim were so significant that they are actually related to the story of the Flood. The flood was not only God’s punishment on sinful humanity, but also God’s way of preserving the “seed of the woman” – the human race and its bloodline – before it became completely corrupted by the Nephilim giants. You'll find much more meaning when reading the texts in their original language. Now is the time to return to the source. Enroll in eTeacher’s online Biblical Hebrew course today and discover new meanings every day.

Later on in the bible after the book of Genesis we read about the descendants of Rapha, the Raphaim, who were giants. One of them was Goliath. More are mentioned that fought with King David. One had six fingers and six toes on each hand and foot. The giants were always blood thirsty, vicious, tremendous fighters in battle. Click the link to read 2 Samuel 21.

If we back up a chapter in Genesis to chapter 5, Enoch was Noah's great grandfather, a descendant of Cain. The only thing the bible says about him in chapter 5 is that "Enoch walked with God, and then he was no more." How cool! He didn't die, but was taken away to heaven! Wouldn't we all like that? I have now learned there is a book that was banned from the bible, the Book of Enoch. 

                            Here is an article which is an overview of the book of Enoch:

Here are excerpts from the article
Two hundred of the ‘fallen angels’ descended from the heavenly realm on to the summit of Mount Hermon and they were so smitten by the beauty of human women that, using their new material bodies, they had sex with them. This further incurred Yahweh’s wrath and, according to the Bible, the consequence of this miscegenation between the Fallen Ones and mortals led to the creation of half-angelic, half-human offspring (Genesis 6:4).

These children were called the Nefelim or Nephilim and they were the giant race that once inhabited Old Earth. The fallen angels taught their wives and children a variety of new technological skills, magical knowledge and occult wisdom. This suggests that psychic abilities and magical powers were originally an ancient inheritance from the angelic realm given to early humans. In the Luciferian tradition this is known in spiritual and metaphorical terms as the ‘witch blood’, ‘elven blood’ or ‘faery blood’ that is possessed by witches and wizards.
. In modern theosophical occultism there are legends about the lost continent of Atlantis that claim its scientists bred half-human, half-animal hybrids as a slave race. In our own time scientists are experimenting with genetic research and animal cloning experiments. It is widely rumoured that in China there have recently been abortive attempts to create a new half-human, half-animal hybrid species. These unnatural experiments led to the cataclysmic disaster that destroyed Atlantis. This also relates to the destruction of the Nephilim and the early human race in the biblical Flood. Records of such an event can also be found in the mythology of ancient peoples worldwide and especially among the Babylonians in the Middle East. In fact, it is claimed that the story of Noah and the Flood in the Old Testament originated in Babylonian and Sumerian myths.

     As I read this, I can see why this book was dropped, because it talks about how these dark angels taught humans "magical knowledge and occult wisdom" and how to tap into "psychic abilities and magical powers". I can also see how the Illuminati is obsessed with this teaching! Funny, just as I was writing this blog and posting this paragraph about a half-animal hybrid race I received an inbox message on Facebook about an article where scientists are creating embryos that are part animal, part human! 

and then I received another email about this guy Trey Smith. Perfect timing! God is directing me as I write! So I watched this video and Trey obviously has studied out this subject of Nephilim quite a bit
. Here is one of his videos that lays out the whole story of the Nephilim:

Now, how fascinating is that? The shape of the head! I have read of the descendants of Rapha before, but never have I seen photos of these odd shaped heads! 

                                   Then he shows the photos of the Egyptian kings. 

     Is it possible the Egyptian kings really had these odd shaped heads? Is it possible that they were Nephilim? Half man, half spirit being? The Egyptians believed that their kings were gods, which I always blew off and said "Whatever, they were idol worshipers." and paid no attention to what they believed. But after watching this and seeing what the Nephilim heads looked like, and then comparing them to the Egyptian pharaohs, it really has me thinking. 
     Then if you take into consideration the amount of power their magicians had (they imitated every miracle that Moses did)  and how much they tapped into the spirit world, I have to believe that there really is something to this. Also, if you look at what is going on in the entertainment industry, as I have posted in earlier blogs, look at their fascination with everything Egyptian. They are imitating this for a reason. Think about it. They are power hungry. They are tapping into power.They are trying to obtain more power. They are looking into dark magic, conjuring up spirits, and doing it right in front of our very eyes. I have realized I can't just blow this stuff off anymore. 

     So why do these wacko  Illuminati people care about this? Because they want to create more Nephilim! That's right! First of all, watch the above video. This is one of many videos on this subject of their bloodlines. They believe they are the elite, with supernatural bloodlines. You can believe it or not. It really doesn't matter, because THEY believe it! And they control all the money and power in the world!
     Read my last blog about the depopulation agenda. They want to get rid of us "common folk" , to kill us all off and save only the elite. And as if that wasn't enough, they want to open up a doorway, a portal, to allow spirits, angels, actually angels of darkness, which are demons, to come into our universe and once again procreate with humans and create a master race. I'm not kidding! We will talk about these portals in my next blog! Stay tuned people, same bat time, same bat channel!

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