Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Secret Societies-Bilderbergers, Bohemians, Skull and Bones

    If you have been following this blog from the beginning, by now you should understand who the Illuminati are, and know what the New World Order is and their agenda. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about then you need to get up to speed and scroll back and read the previous blogs and watch the videos.) So now let's talk about how they choose who will be appointed into positions of power, and how they have decided who will become the next president of the United States long before they are ever elected. Basically, if you think you live in a democracy, you don't. You live in the Matrix. Come along Neo.....


    If you're like most people in the US, you probably have never heard of these groups before. Alex Jones and Mark Dice are two of the guys that seem to have made it their life's mission to expose the Illuminati, New World Order, Bohemian Grove and the Bilderberg Group. 
 Mark Dice wrote books on these subjects, and has a YouTube channel that became popular during the election. He is pretty sarcastic, but I find him funny and learned a lot from watching him. He likes to interview people on the street to show how ignorant they are of these subjects. Here is one of them.

                    Mark Dice at the White House asking tourists about Bilderberg Group

     Here Alex Jones interviews Mark Dice about his book about the Bilderberg Group.

                                      Mark Dice-Bilderber's dirty little secret is out

So who are they? They are a group of people in high level positions of power who meet at a hotel once a year to make major decisions about what happens in our world. It is all kept very hush hush. Watch this. 

                                             The Bilderberg Group Documentary

                                       Here's another documentary on the subject.

                                     The Illuminati Bilderberg Group Documentary

Here's a clip of a radio interview with someone who didn't want to know about this at first, but changed their tune. "The very people that put Obama in power are there again..You wonder who did this? You don't have to look any further than Henry Kissinger and the rest of the Bilderbergs."

                 Michael Savage now admits that the Bilderberg Group is in control.


Another big "secret" is the Bohemian Grove, a place where once again, people in high level positions of power meet, and "what happens at the Grove, stays in the Grove". People have snuck in and filmed them performing secret rituals. 

Here is a documentary that Alex Jones did that explains Bohemian Grove.

                                         Bohemian Grove-Alex Jones Documentary

          Here Mark Dice explains it as a "Club Med with a bit of Satanism mixed in." 

                                 What you don't know about the Bohemian Grove

In my previous blog about Pedophiles, it included David Icke explaining how Pedophilia is part of the Satanism of the Illuminati, and how they believe it brings them power. Here David Icke expands on the ceremony and talks about how many Presidents and politicians were all originally part of the Skull and Bones Society when they were students at Yale, and later became members of the Bohemian Club. 

                          David Icke exposes Bohemian Grove sacrifices to Satan

Here is an article written by a kid who had a summer job working at the Bohemian Grove. 
"My friends and I were aware of the Grove’s lingering mystique. We knew that powerful conservative figures like Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were known to make appearances (though not all of us could recognize them). We’d heard of the Cremation of Care ceremony that kicks off each encampment, where members are decked out in cult-like robes and an effigy is burned on the property’s lake."

                                 My Summer Job at the Bohemian Grove

Here is an interview with a Satanic Priest who worked at Bohemian Grove. At 31:09 he says
"There is open magic spell work that happens at the owl, and then there's also private magic spell work that happens behind closed doors." 
 "Do people who attend Bohemian Grove really understand what's going on? There's an illusion that some, President let's say, doesn't really know what it is, it's just a camping event with a bunch of rich people. But do they really know that this is spiritual and it's Satanic?"...decide for yourself.

                    Satanic Priest for Bohemian Grove Blows Whistle on White House


Now that David Icke has mentioned the Skull and Bones Society in the earlier video, it opens up another can of worms that needs to be included. What is Skull and Bones ? Who are they?

                                     America Illuminati Revealed: Skull and Bones

                                  The Bizarre Rituals of the Skull and Bones Society

Here is a video that lists members of the "Skull and Bones Society". 

                                          Illuminati: Top Skull and Bones Members


     The election of 2017 was loaded with drama and most of us are sick of hearing about it, so I don't want to say much. But it was literally a battle of good versus evil, God against Satan. Even now that Donald Trump won, Satan is still keeping up the fight. I DO NOT believe Donald Trump is Illuminati. He doesn't need to be. He is a self made Billionaire with plenty of money and power of his own and he doesn't need them. I am a Christian, and when I saw Ben Carson I remembered seeing him on the 700 Club about 20 years ago, and knew that he, and other candidates were Christians. A year ago I would have been their supporters. But knowing what I know now, I was a full-on Donald Trump supporter. Why? Because I knew the Illuminati hates him. because they can't control him and they are afraid of him. He is not pushing their agenda. The liberal media however IS pushing their agenda! This is not surprising knowing that the Illuminati own the television and news channels! They control what the media reports and spin the stories in their favor in hopes to steer the weak minds of the sheep in order to accomplish their goal of ushering in the New World Order. 
     I believe Donald Trump was chosen by God because he is the only man tough enough, powerful enough and courageous enough to stand up the "them". So what does this mean as far as the End-Times? We can see the New World Order was picking up a lot of momentum and God was allowing it. But now he held his hand out and halted them. Why? I believe the way we will "make America great again" is by a return to Jesus and for an end-time revival like we've never seen before. My hope and prayer is that is what's going to happen.

Here is a prophecy by Prophet Kim Clement given in 2007 about "Trump will be a trumpet! " when George Bush was president. This is so good! (note: Kim Clement passed away in December 2016)
"Surely the Lord does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7

                             Kim Clement prophecying about Donald Trump 2007

  I was especially happy to see that Donald surrounded himself with prophetic ministers of the Gospel and I heard that he gave his heart to the Lord. Thank you Jesus! I like to end my blogs on a positive note that gives all glory to God, so here are a few videos of hid being prayed for and prophesied over. Hallelujah!

James Dobson said "I know the person who led him to Christ. He is a baby Christian."

                                                Trump has accepted Jesus Christ

                                           Praying for Trump at a Black Church

                   Trump being prayed over at the International Church of Las Vegas


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting point to make, here... the word 'trump' can refer to the winning card in a game (Aces, Kings, Queens), but also has the connotation of falsity; of a deceptive appearance;(i.e. a false ID might be called a 'trumpery' document.)
    All of you who keep asserting that our current President is a God appointed leader, come to cast off the shackles of the Illuminated (always imagined by Right Wingers as exclusively Leftist), are exercising a most comprehensive form of cognitive dissonance.
    All the more amusing because if you looked to most zealous advocates of President Trump (the Alt Right) you will find that many of them are involved in occult practices (such as Chaos Magick) and have openly declared their affinity with the Nazi/Volkisch esoteric doctrines. As well as claiming that they conjured Trump's victory in the election by these methods.
    These ideologues are not Christian in any sense, other than some of them asserting that Jesus was an 'Aryan' who was killed by Jews.
    Instead of blindly grasping at false solutions to our growing police state, you should do some real research. Trump's family has links with the military industrial complexes of both the US and Germany. He is known to have been involved in an incident of sexual molestation of a minor (with one of his friends from his youth). While there is no record of him attending some place like Bohemian Grove, this means little. He is clever enough to not expose himself that way. (Let it be noted that Hitler managed to eradicate most records of his involvement with racist, occult groups like the Thule Gesellschaft. This made his interactions with them no less real.)
    My point in all of this is that so many persons in the Right want to imagine that it's all just a Left-Wing conspiracy. That all the blood rites, child trafficking, snuff films, etc., are a result efforts from that quarter. They want so much to believe that their end of the political spectrum is exempt from involvement. And, they are completely wrong.
    The thing is, at the highest (or lowest, depending on how you see it) level, the distinctions of Right and Left vanish. These men and women (and Trump is one of them) have no politics in the way that most people do. For them, (the elite and the insiders), all that matters is their power and their agenda. They are perfectly willing to assume any mask needed to accomplish their aims; (as we see in the 'Trump accepting Christ farce above.)
    If you have a serious interest in saving your country, then leave behind the conventional distinctions. At this point, the Illuminated own both major political parties, and a fair amount of the ostensibly Christian churches as well.

  3. ... and, what a surprise! The author removed the comment about Trump. Don't worry; I will not be making ongoing attempts here... and do not really expect a reply to the following rhetorical question.
    Tell me, are you truly (and willfully) ignorant of what I brought up about your precious Heaven sent leader? Or, is this one of those disinformation sites, used by the elite? I mean the ones that claim they are watchdogs, warning people about the 'Illuminati', while actually furthering their agenda?
    As I said, don't really expect a reply; since it's clear, for whatever reason, that the author is just another gutless shill for some aspect of the Agenda...
