Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Gaga and the 2017 Super Bowl

On the day of the Super Bowl I posted something in anticipation of the "Illuminati Bowl" and the anticipated commercials and half-time spectacle. I don't get much response because most people have no idea what I'm talking about, and occasionally a Lady Gaga fan will chime in letting me know what a good Christian she is. (Have they ever watched ANY of her performances?) I'm sorry, but I've never seen a Christian performance that looked like this.

   Ok, game. First they wheeled in George H. W. Bush. I believe in honoring our presidents and refuse to criticize, but I was on my Illuminati witch hunt and the only thing I could think of was the day he told the country we needed to embrace the New World Order.

                                     George H. W. Bush New World Order Speech

    Next, of course, I noticed a couple of BLATANT commercials in the beginning which had me jumping out of my seat yelling at the TV the same way that men were probably yelling at the football players! LOL "Foul!!!" This avocado commercial was obviously mocking "truthers" who have been exposing the Illuminati and New World Order agenda. What a better way to get people to not believe, by making fun and getting people to laugh at it. 

                                    Super Bowl LI commercials Illuminati exposed

When I saw the Life Water commercial, it actually made me laugh. "Are you kidding me?!"with the 666 hand gesture logo! But 2 things you need to know. First of all, Pepsi is owned by the Illuminati and they let you know by changing their logo to an all-seeing, serpent eye.

Then I was shocked to read an article that says Pepsi uses aborted fetal cells in their soft drinks!!!!! Here's a video breakdown of the commercial and the product. Now, if you are new to this topic and have no idea what the "OK" symbol is, scroll back to my earlier blogs.

                                    New Pepsi Life Water features Illuminati symbols

    As for the half-time show, I was expecting, along with everyone else, to see an anti-Trump protest, but the show seemed pretty calm compared to other crazy things she has done, nor did I notice any Illuminati symbolism, so I was actually disappointed. The next day someone (A Gaga fan) tagged me on a thread on Glenn Beck's page because it mentioned that Gaga did NOT do the Anti-Trump protest that every one anticipated.

 Interestingly, they play a recording of Gaga talking about how much thought and planning goes into this, how they create a story, play it out and plan the choreography etc. Also, the press is being blamed (or shall I call them the "fake news") for creating all the hype, and everyone was watching and waiting for the big protest moment. But I was duped! It wasn't until I read this thread below the Glenn Beck video that I realized I totally missed it! This guy got it right.

let me get this straight:

So Gaga is standing above all. On the highest point, above all creation in that stadium. Can't get any higher. Stars are lighting up behind her and as the stars are illuminating in the sky she sings about “god” and this nation is made for “you and me”...... THEN...

She falls from the highest point, from the stars, to the second high point….. with the first words out of her mouth being,

“Im on the Edge of Glory”.....

Does any of that sound familiar? What scene was just played out? Anyone.....

Here Let me help……

"How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground, you who weaken the nations!
For you have said in your heart,
“I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also on the mount of the congregation, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.”

Notice…. Nations. stars. Above the congregation (above the stadium of people).... fell from grace (she fell and is on the edge of Glory)……

While we are all hypnotized by the light, glamor, sound we are singing and children are hearing....

“I want your love, you vertical stick”

and lyrics like….

“I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes;
Im on the right track baby I was born this way.
No matter gay, straight, or bi
Lesbian, transgendered life I'm on the right track baby I was born this way”

Complete blasphemy of Gods creation, defaming and devaluing the Holyness of the father And who does that? Lucifer. He twist the words of God ALWAYS and makes himself look good and God bad.

Did the Lord not tell us “For even Lucifer diguises himself as an angel of light” -2 Corinthians 11:14

Lucifer is the god of this world. He creates all the time reminders about his presence and control over you very frequently. Because most don’t know Gods word they do not recognize it.

Lady Gaga is not a Christian. She practices many satanic things and because of that her thoughts and ideas come from the fallen kingdom…not the Lords. We just saw Satans fall in theatric form and the entire world clapped and for him and his blasphemy…. READ THE BOOK AND OPEN YOUR KINGDOM EYES.

The next day, the videos began to pop up on YouTube by other "Truthers" who also caught on to the falling star Lucifer story. It was then I realized what had happened. Last year, Beyonce wore her black outfit with a giant X on it, and people got into an uproar about her making a Black Live Matter, Malcolm X statement. I knew that was a distraction. It got everyone's focus off of what was REALLY going on, which was pretty much a huge service for the church of Satan. This year they used the same tactic. The Illuminati own the press and the news and the TV stations. They feed reporters the stories they want them to tell. By getting all of us to look for a political statement, we missed the real message. (If you are clueless to what that message was, scroll back to my first blogs where we broke down last year's performance.)

First let's listen to Gaga herself talk about how she prepared for the Super Bowl, and how for months they plan every single move, and they are telling a story, and they hype about if she may make a political statement. 

                             Lady Gaga Interview on her Superbowl half time show

                     Here "A Call to an Uprising" caught a lot of Masonic Symbolism.

                                           Lady Gaga Super LI 2017 Exposed

This guy from Britain didn't necessarily agree with him, and saw a more biblical view of Lucifer falling from heaven, and he gets a little deeper.

                                     Lady Gaga plays "Lucifer" at Super Bowl 2017

                                  What they secretly told us during the Super Bowl

 Mark Dice, the sarcastic Illuminati buster didn't seem to catch any Illuminati symbols either, but he DID catch her subtle political statement. 

                             Mark Dice: Lady Gaga Half time show hidden message

 There was an MSM article published that calls Gaga a "prophet" who was holding a "church service" and she calls herself a follower of Jesus Christ. They welcome her anti-fundamentalist judgmentalism. Well, I will never judge another person's Christianity. But it looks to me a lot more like she is preaching a whole other message than the one Jesus preached. You decide for yourself.

                        Waking Times Blog: Has Lady Gaga had an awakening? Nope.

 I mean, when you think of a "nice Christian girl", you think of them wearing horns and covered in blood and covering one eye, right? LOL.

"A Call an Uprising" reads the MSM article in his video. He is quite passionate and angry, but you need to understand that his sister was sacrificed to Satan and now he is on a mission to expose this evil. I never agree with everything he says, but I do pick up interesting information from him, like this article. I do agree with him that she, and others like her, are leading people into a false Christianity. If Christians don't know their bible and don't have a close relationship with Jesus Christ, they will fall for this. It's very dangerous.

                        Must see! Lady Gaga called a Christian prophet by MSM!

                            Here is another video in response to the others above. 

                                         Lady Gaga's not so Illuminati Super Bowl

Just so you don't think it's only "judgemental fundamentist Christians" and "Conspiracy Theorists" that are saying things, here is an article in a health magazine that is also catching on to the blatant Satanism in these shows. 

                       Natural News: Half-time HELL: Satan speaks through Gaga

Ok, enough of this caca! Let's finish up by changing the atmosphere with an awesome worship song! BTW, this is what a musical performance looks like by a Christian woman. Just sayin'. 

                                                   Great Are You Lord Bethel